
Study Abroad Consultancy Underlines Do's for After You Get Your SAT Subject Test Scores

May 17, 02:45 PM

You've gotten your SAT Subject Test scores. Now what? Do you focus on SAT/ACT prep? Apply to college? Or just totally forget about your scores? Study Abroad Consultancy in Delhi have a step-by-step guide on what to do after you see your SAT Subject Test scores.

Step 1: Determine How Good Your Scores Are

First, it's important to check that your Subject Test scores are up to par (or even better than) the average Subject Test scores at the schools you're applying to. This lets you see whether you're on track to being a competitive applicant or whether you need to work a little harder on presenting yourself as an ideal candidate to schools.

To find the average SAT Subject Test score for a college, search for "[School Name] SAT Subject Test scores" or "[School Name] average SAT Subject Test scores" on Google. Look for links to the school's official website and click the most relevant one. A good score will be equal to or higher than the school's average.

Unfortunately, not all schools list average SAT Subject Scores. If you're having trouble finding your school's average or recommended SAT Subject Test scores, try comparing your scores with official Subject Test averages and percentiles. This will tell you how many test-takers you scored higher than on a Subject Test.

Step 2: Decide Whether to Submit Your Scores to Schools

Now that you have an idea of how well you did on your Subject Tests, it's time to decide whether you want to submit your scores to schools. (Note that if you elected to use the College Board's four free score reports when you registered for the tests, your scores will be automatically sent to the schools you chose before you can know what your scores are.) If a school requires Subject Test scores and you're only going to take the tests once, go ahead and submit your scores, even if they weren't as high as you hoped they'd be. You don't have much of a choice here since not submitting them means your application will be disqualified!

On the other hand, if Subject Test scores are completely optional, only submit your scores if they're higher than the averages at the school. If you got a low score, it's better to not submit it since all it'll do is bring down the quality of your application. (By contrast, if you submit no scores, this won't have any effect on your application.)

If your school strongly recommends SAT Subject Test scores, it's best to send them in. That said, if you scored poorly on a test, you can choose to not send in that score and instead opt to retake the test at a later point (if you can do so before your college applications are due, that is). Check out our guide for a list of all SAT Subject Test dates.

Step 3: Start Working on Your College Applications

If you decided to submit your Subject Test scores to your schools, congrats! Now, it's time to start buckling down on your college applications. You'll want to present yourself in the best possible light, so make sure to write a great personal statement, submit strong letters of recommendation, and get involved in extracurricular activities you're interested in. If you decided to retake a Subject Test, you'll want to balance your time wisely by studying for the test and getting a jump start on your college applications. I suggest making a study schedule so you can pace yourself and space out the things you'll need to prepare for your college applications.

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